A story that will deeply move you. It’s impossible without tearsThe woman adopted two children a year apart, but they turned out to be brother and sister

An incredible story happened in Colorado. A woman named Paige decided to adopt a boy. And a year later she decided to take a girl into her family. However, for the woman, the fact that the children turned out to be a sister and a brother came as a real surprise.

Paige broke up with her husband and decided it was time for a drastic life change. She quit her unloved job, found new friends, moved to a new house. She also went to work in a center that cared for children left behind by their parents.

At first, it was mentally difficult for him to cope with such work. But gradually, she was inspired and fell in love with this work. After a while, Page realized she was ready to adopt a child from the center. The boy was abandoned by his mother on the 4th day after his birth.

Paige brought the boy to her. I called him Grayson. After the registration of the guardianship, a year passed, when suddenly the woman again received a call from the center and asked if she also wanted to take the girl. Paige, after weighing the pros and cons, realized she was on board

Arriving at the center to meet the young girl, Paige saw on her hand the same bracelet her son had on. The woman started looking for information about the biological parents of the children and found their mother. It turned out that the boy and the girl are really brother and sister, but their fate is not interested in their blood mother. By the way, at the time of the meeting with Paige, she was pregnant with her third child

Now Paige and the kids are fine. They live together and happily.

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